About LW



Hello LW fam!!! I wanted to share with you all a little about myself and my purpose for starting Love & Wicks. As a clinical mental health graduate student and clinician in training I have seen and experienced the negative and positive effects from the Covid-19 pandemic. Everyone has been affected in someway whether it has been the loss of a family member, friend, set backs, mental health concerns, or health care problems. However, this pandemic has also taught me that people are resilient in the mist of adversity. We decide to get up everyday and make it better than the last. Therefore, I started this candle business to promote everyday wellness, change, and self care for everyone. It’s time to invest in ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My mother use to tell me to always keep a candle in the house for safety reasons, now it’s not only for safety but for growth!
- Athanette